Skype and Zoom are both free online services that enable us to have a video call on your computer, laptop or tablet. Both of the free services allow you to record, so that you’ll have the ability to record every session if you wish. Prior to our first session, you’ll want to be sure that your account is set-up and that you have tested that it is working properly (video and audio).  They are both user-friendly and easy to set-up.  If you need assistance setting it up- I am happy to help!

In order to avoid causing yourself unnecessary stress, plan to be ready for your virtual session by signing-in (to Skype or Zoom) 5-10 minutes prior to our scheduled start time so that you are ready and prepared for a great practice.

Depending on your packaged purchased- Online sessions are either 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 60 minutes of practice. Allow an additional 5-10 minutes, to give yourself a little cushion before and after.

Comfortable clothing.
Clothes that you can freely move around in and bend in is best. Yoga is preferred to be done barefoot, barefoot is ideal as you will remain in poses more comfortably and safely. However, feet get cold sometimes! In cooler weather, I’ll occasionally wear socks. Wear what makes you feel comfy.

Children, adults & seniors are all welcome to participate in Online Yoga Lessons.

Children & teens under the age of 16 must have a guardian book their session and be present during the session from start to finish.

Seniors and those with injuries or difficulty being low to the floor have the option to practice chair yoga. Chair Yoga allows you to find mobility in a way that is gentle, supportive and just as beneficial without having to get on the ground. The session would be seated in a chair and if accessible and no injuries are present we also have the option of utilizing standing postures with the support from the chair.  Creating a safe and beneficial yet fun environment is the goal.

I encourage the use of props, but they’re not always necessary. Utilizing props are a great way to support you in postures and can help deepen your practice. They can also allow you remain in poses more comfortably.  Some examples of props: yoga blocks, a yoga strap, bolsters, blankets & an eye pillow.  With that being said, they are great alternatives that you can find around your house that you can equally substitute.  We can discuss this further, if desired, prior to our first session.

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